IBES GESTION Y DESARROLLO S.L., is a company dedicated to the commercial management and distribution of chemicals, inks, plates, coatings and adhesives for the graphic arts and industry, being products and services complementary to each other.The relationship with our customers and suppliers is based on our commitment to progress. The products and services we provide are the materialization of a complex process based on the experience and knowledge of our client needs.
Our staff assumes the commitment of training and continuous improvement as indispensable requirements
to be able to advise our clients with efficiency and transparency in the industrial processes, where our products and services have a relevant importance.
Our Quality System shows the necessary processes to manage the needs of our customers, suppliers and employees and public administrations, always complying with the regulations and acquired commitments. The attention to our environment is aimed at preventing risks and taking advantage of opportunities with a proactive management.
Ibi, 15th of November 2024